Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Colfax Randomness

Drum roll please...


Yes, this is a true story.  I was driving home from work during summer so my windows were down and some dude rolled up and just started his sales pitch.  Yes, there is a building on my ride home that has a pink roof.

I've just started playing Dragon Age 2 and I'm enjoying most of it.  There is one major annoyance though.  Why would you build a fairly expansive world only to reuse the same dungeons and houses for EVERYTHING!?!  It's super annoying that all that is different between each is which doors can and can not open...sigh.

Any way, enjoy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


First off, sorry I promised you a comic and didn't deliver.  I'm still working on it and it will be done soon.  In other good news, I finally registered and will get to work on building the website.  Exciting, I know.

Monday, February 14, 2011

New comic soon

I just wanted to give you all an update as to my current comic.  Great news!  I should have it up by this weekend.  I'm really excited about this one.  It's both hilarious and completely random.  Good times!  Anyway please stay tuned and hopefully I can get it up sooner rather than later.  Also I'm working on a couple of side projects that will take a little bit to go online but I'm hoping they will be great.  See you soon.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


Hello out there.  Sorry it's taken me so long to get back into the swing of things.  I think it's because I wasn't 100% stoked on this comic.  I think I made it to my liking finally so I can at least chuckle a little bit at it.

Seriously though, they give you this gigantic box and possibly the smallest bag known to mankind that actually holds the damn candy.

So my buddy broke his femur which means I finally have a video game partner again.  This also meant that I needed to get a game that I could actually play multi player with.  Enter Halo Reach. It's actually been pretty fun. Standard kill covenant stuff but at least there aren't any annoying Flood now which I'm enjoying.  Also if anyone uses Steam you should totally try out Recettear.  In the game you play as an item shop owner for an RPG world.  But you can also hire out "heroes" to do dungeon delves to get you more unique items to sell at your shop.  It's really fun and there's a demo which I highly recommend you at least try.

Anyway without further ado:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Well, hello there!

I almost  have the next comic done.  The last panel is really giving me some trouble.  I just need to think about it for a bit.  I've updated my profile a little bit as well for those who read this blog and want to know a little more about me.  If you have any questions please feel free to post a comment and I'll respone usually on the same day.

GREAT NEWS!  FFXIV is launching in 1 week.  That is if you bought the collectors edition.  It looks like it's going to be a little rough at first but I think after a few patches, probably only 1 or 2, things should run very smooth.  Did you guys hear about the fatigue system for that game?  Yep apparently you can only grind one class/job for 8 hours.  You can switch to another class and grind that for 8 hours.  It's an interesting system and I'm not sure how I feel about it.  Here is a good article as an overview.  You just have to scroll down to the bottom of the page.

The super secret project I've been working on with a few friends is getting a lot of great ideas.  More details later.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Great news blogland

Hey all, I have some news. I finally bought creative suites from Adobe. Hopefully it will make drawing Fumblyhands a lot less stressful.  Since I bought the program yesterday I want to first, get the program, and learn its subtle nuances so the next comic will most likely be up a little later. I'm torn between two comics.  Skittles or Colfax?

Also, I'm working on a super sweet project with some friends that I'm really excited about.  I don't really want to ruin the surprise so I'll just leave it at that.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Look! I think I posted on time!

Alright! Got my poo joke in, I think that officially makes me a cartoonist right? I'm still trying to figure out angles and such but I'm pretty happy with this.  Oh and this is a true story.  I was going to work, got to my truck and realized I'd forgotten my java.  I turned back and as I was walking kicked what looked to be a rock, but something seemed off...It wasn't the hard thud against my shoe I hear when I kick rocks, this was...soft. I look next to it and there's a empty fifth of vodka.  Being the smart person I am I put two and two together.  I'm not 100% certain but I feel pretty strongly that I'm correct. 

Anyway, Starcraft II and video game companies in general are really starting to irritate me with this whole Downloadable content thing (DLC).  I understand only so much can fit on a disc but at least put a finished product on there.  In Starcraft II there are 3 races; the Terrains, the Zerg and the Protoss.  As of right now, you can only play as the Terrains.  The first Starcraft was a full game in which you could and had to play as all 3 races.  The term OMG Zergrush is well known through geekdom but yet you can't make your own zergrush as of right now in Starcraft II.  Well I'll keep an eye out on patch notes but I'm a little annoyed with this.  Good news though!  Fable 3 is coming soon and looks amazing.  Check out for more info.  

There's more I'd like to talk about but I'll maybe leave that for another post.